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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3566 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Trolls Are Winning

That's because the game is bullshit.

    But Dr. Phillips, of Humboldt State, pointed out that many efforts to curb trolling ran into a larger problem: “To what extent do you want to make it harder for people to express themselves on the Internet?” she asked.

WTF? Wasn't that the whole point of Angelfire? Wordpress? Myspace? We aren't talking about "ZOMG let's keep people from posting their own content." We're talking about comments trolls here. And the reason everyone is freaking out is Gawker doesn't make any money off your Geocities page. Your comments?

Oh yeah. That they monetize.

So the problem everyone is wringing their hands over is the fact that they've built a business model in which they demand interaction from their audience (Like! Retweet! Submit to the fucking general's mortarboard of social sites!)

...but many times the audience is antisocial, hates you, and has nothing worthwhile to say.

Nobody in this article gives the first fuck about what "trolls" are saying off on their own pages amongst their own people in their own environment. Everyone is twitterpated that those mooing cattle that justify their CPM occasionally stampede and gore people.

PROTIP: get out of ranching. The world will be a better place for it.