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comment by mk
mk  ·  4871 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Obama, financial war and the elimination of DSK
Good stuff all around. As I mentioned, I believe the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of the popular coverage, and the theories of this article. However, I do have the feeling that DSK were say, a Saudi prince, he would have either made his flight, or there would be much more discretion around his arrest. One thing that also doesn't sit with me well, is that this guy was a notorious seducer. By nature, I am guessing that we walked away from a few encounters of unequal enthusiasm. He contacted the hotel in which he committed a rape about his lost phone? He might be a dirty rapist. But it's a very tough thing for someone like him to prove he is not. As far as I am concerned, he is a man accused.

No doubt there is some wild speculation in this article, and it does the authors theories serious disservice. However I do have to ask: If DSK was setup, for whatever reason. How would that come to light? And, would he stand a chance?

Whatever the case may be. The man is in the grinder:

http://patriotpost.us/opinion/suzanne-fields/2011/06/03/the-... http://blogs.ajc.com/bob-barr-blog/2011/05/30/in-french-or-e...

His enemies can rest easy.