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comment by ButterflyEffect

    But the major difference between that and porn is the that sexy photos (or videos) are typically for personal use. The girl (or guy) is in control and, without diving into the psychology of why people like to take nude photos of themselves, its typically for personal pleasure. Once you transition from photo sets on iPhones to photos or videos produced for profit by a company, you are now creating something purely for the pleasure of someone else. As much as the author of this piece would like to believe she is in complete control of her choices and she gets pleasure from it, the entire porn business revolves around pleasing an outside audience (for money).

What about females/couples that perform solo/have sex on a webcam site? In this case they're still pleasing an outside audience for money, and performing for their pleasure. But at the same time they have a lot more control of the situation, even if they are accepting requests on what to do next. There's also the immediacy of the situation - what is happening on camera is happening in real time, and whatever is happening at that moment in the bedroom (or wherever) is happening directly on the screens of whoever else is watching.