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comment by ecib
ecib  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is the Alternative to Viral?

Alternative to Viral is slow steady growth?

I think that whatever the 'Object of Virility' is, it must possess certain traits, with one of them being that it communicates something that the majority of people encountering it can easily digest and will respond to. Has to have low friction both in understanding and relateablity.

What that is doesn't matter, it just needs to have some universal, easily grokked element. If it isn't easily digestible and speaking to mass culture, then it seems that a steady slog is the other way.

The only thing I can think of is that if your Object of Virility is specific enough to have a niche audience somewhere, then you could take it to them there, where they are, and have it go viral on a smaller "subcultural" scale within that niche, but that presupposes a clearly defined fringe audience that are already gathered in one place (either in the real world or digitally).

user-inactivated  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    The only thing I can think of is that if your Object of Virility is specific enough to have a niche audience somewhere, then you could take it to them there, where they are, and have it go viral on a smaller "subcultural" scale within that niche, but that presupposes a clearly defined fringe audience that are already gathered in one place (either in the real world or digitally).

This is sort of what I was thinking, JakobVirgil, but you raise good points -- that's the sort of culture that's very resistant to externalities, and you're not really broadening anyone's tastes either.

By the way, I hope this is a joke:

    Michael Chabon best know as the screen writer of Disney's John Carter
JakobVirgil  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Has Mike done done other stuff ?

yeah looking for a sub-culture but not a niche-cult i.e. banjo enthusiasts.

They tell you to make the art you want to see but I think I my the only one who wants to see apocalyptic drawings on napkins by near hobos

user-inactivated  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·  

He's one of my absolute favorite authors.

JakobVirgil  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Manhood for Amateurs is one of my favorite books

JakobVirgil  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·  

In my dreams logarithmic growth is perfect.

Pre-existing niches are not all that satisfying and when interested based usually a bad fit and can be very territorial.

Looking a community of like-minded misfits maybe I should just take up smoking weed.

Of course I get different needs met different places Banjo-hangout, Roguebasin, here.

I am prolly just having post-punk fits.

ecib  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, just because it's not mainstream, doesn't mean it has a niche anyway. You might have to create the niche by being the niche :) That's definitely slow and steady. But if you grow it, you'll be the undisputed king of it.