Food for thought regarding the smartphone's encroachment on cameras, and more.
- Once you start thinking of a photograph in those holistic terms, the data quality of stand-alone cameras, no matter how vast their bounty of pixels, seems strangely impoverished. They no longer capture the whole picture.
Still no. This from a guy who bought a GX1 and was impressed. YOU CANNOT SHOOT WIDE WITHOUT BIG GLASS. YOU CANNOT SHOOT LONG WITHOUT BIG GLASS. And if you're going to shoot big glass, hook it up to something that isn't an iPhone. Yeah, you can go snappy snappy with your iphone. I sure do. But when I mean it, I whip out the 5D. Just having a decent lens dusts the shit out of anything without. Check out everything you can't do with an iPhone. Now check out what the near: and far: Ends of that spectrum really look like in your hand. Go ahead. Bemoan the end of cameras. Me? I'm happy that I can almost get an image as good as my Pentax 6x7 in digital without having to blow $20k on a LEAF digital back.