I'm with you on all of those examples, but I have never as an adult craved a glass of milk by itself. I know this is odd, but one of my favorites are Oreo's and milk, that and any soggy cereal. But just a glass of milk? No thanks.
They really aren't. Pretty sure that's why so many people are lactose intolerant, or otherwise have milk allergies. But people do all sorts of weird shit. Don't the Masai consume cows' blood as their number one staple? I had a friend who traveled around the Himalayas and constantly got offered fermented yak milk as a delicacy. People would throw it in a bucket and put it under the bed and forget about it, and then when honored visitors came by, voila, warm rancid yak yogurt.
I don't think humans are really supposed to be craving cows milk in the first place.
Exactly! But then, cheese.