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comment by humanodon

At this point, I think I would head to Brazil, maybe doing a loop down through Argentina and up through Chile, Peru and Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela or maybe visit my friend in Tanzania and plan a route through some African countries.

I like the idea of South America, because I've never been further south in the Americas than Costa Rica and I've got friends there. My ex-pat friends seem set on staying, so there must be something about where they're living worth loving. Plus, there are so many beautiful women :)

In Africa, I have only been to Morocco but I had a good time there and everyone I know who has lived in Africa has talked about an indescribable vivacity to the wildernesses and the cultures found in many places.

Not to mention that in general, those regions are much warmer than where I live now. Who knows, if things go well with what I'm trying to accomplish here, I could be out in the world again soon enough.