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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

It took a long time for me to like it but only because it was always on as a kid. When I read the below story it made me imagine hearing it for the first time again. It's a really great tune.

    On July 26, 1968, Mick Jagger flew from Los Angeles to London for a birthday party thrown in his honor at a hip new Moroccan-style bar called the Vesuvio Club—“one of the best clubs London has ever seen,” remembered proprietor Tony Sanchez. Under black lights and beautiful tapestries, some of London’s trendiest models, artists, and pop singers lounged on huge cushions and took pulls from Turkish hookahs, while a decorative, helium-filled dirigible floated aimlessly about the room. As a special treat, Mick brought along an advance pressing of the Stones’ forthcoming album, Beggars Banquet, to play over the club’s speakers. Just as the crowd was “leaping around” and celebrating the record—which would soon win accolades as the best Stones album to date—Paul McCartney strolled in, and passed Sanchez a copy of the forthcoming Beatles single “Hey Jude/Revolution,” which had never before been heard by anyone outside of Abbey Road Studios. Sanchez recalled how the “slow, thundering buildup of ‘Hey Jude’ shook the club”; the crowd demanded that the seven-minute song be played again and again. Finally, the club’s disc jockey played the flip side, and everyone heard “John Lennon’s nasal voice pumping out ‘Revolution.’” “When it was over,” Sanchez said, “Mick looked peeved. The Beatles had upstaged him.”

sounds_sound  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've heard that story. Poor guy. I just watched this french documentary about Yves Saint Laurent. It was somewhat boring, but there was some cool archival footage of him at home. There's a clip of Yves walking around his living room with Andy Warhol and they're chatting. You can hear a piano in the background, which isn't being played all that well. And suddenly you notice from just a quick move of the camera, that it's Mick Jagger playing it. But the camera doesn't pay any mind. Like it's just another day at Yves or something.

thenewgreen  ·  3988 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, makes Paul seem like a total dick. Of those two songs he brought I definitely think Revolution is the better.

Mick's the man. Best front man/singer in rock history imo.

sounds_sound  ·  3988 days ago  ·  link  ·  

He's definitely in the running I would say. I don't really listen to The Stones though. I do like what I hear when it's played. But best front man in history? Nope. With this performance, you'll see where you're wrong. And here.

thenewgreen  ·  3988 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Good call, that's a tough one because they both have strengths the other doesn't have. I love Queen, I need to get back in to their music again. FYI, the links you gave me are both the same. Great performance though, thanks.

sounds_sound  ·  3988 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Fixed that link, thanks. I was 7 when this happened. It still lives somewhere deep inside of me. This and Ohio.