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comment by humanodon
humanodon  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

Oh, that's a tough question. And a good one. I was actually thinking about that tonight while listening to Portugal. The Man. I got their albums all at once and listened to them chronologically, but I got bored and just kind of bore it until I got to the latest album, which got me interested in them in the first place. Then, tonight I started listening backward through the discography and it made a lot more sense to me and was a lot more interesting.

Conversely, with Weezer, I liked them until Pinkerton and then decided I'd had enough. I have the other albums, but rarely listen to them. Every once in a while I'll listen through and discover that I like a particular song, or section of an album. Maybe someday I'll like or at least appreciate them all.

I guess this is why I so often ask where to start when getting recommendations on hubski. That way I can do it the way I want and then try it the other way too.