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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

I think I mentioned it here already, but i don't like Music. I like going to shows for the vibe. I like music during parties. I like singing nostalgic song when I get a bit drunk. I like music in a car at the beginning of a road trip, so I feel like i'm in a movie. I have favourite songs and genres I like. But, I almost never listen to music when i'm alone. I just don't get it. Silence is great.

I guess i'm lucky about this one: smoking. I've smoked socially through high school for stupid reasons. Then I cut it down to parties every week end. Now I just don't anymore. I don't like it and I never will.

I'm not really into Breaking Bad. I've watched all of it until the last 10 episodes. And I simply don t care enough to even finish the series.

Foodwise? bread. I like bread on occasion but i think I could live without. My boyfriend can't eat a meal without some bread and I just don't get it. I bet he could eat pizza with bread...

sounds_sound  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Do you feel that smoking is something you're expected to like?

elizabeth  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Everyone that smokes seem to like it. They hate the fact that they like it, but they still like it. I guess you're not expected to like it, but once you start it's expected that you will like it and keep smoking.

I might be wrong in assuming people keep smoking because they like it. Maybe they just don't hate it and become addicted.

sounds_sound  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's weird isn't it? People both like it and hate it I think. I work really close to a bunch of ESL schools. When I step out for lunch there are inevitably 30 to 40 kids out in the alleys chain smoking away. What is it with youth and cigarettes? It's the perfect social combination.