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comment by Kafke
Kafke  ·  4010 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If your house was burning down, what would you take with you?

This looks fun. Lets see...

I'd first grab my backpack. Easy, since it's right where I usually sit.

Stuff that goes in backpack: laptop, 3DS, charging cables for both, maybe an external hard drive or two if they are near by (sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't).

My headphones (just put them on real quick).

Grab my iPod, phone, wallet, and keys (things I bring with me everywhere).

The only other things I'd want to save are just rare collectible stuff (though no reason to risk my life). Limited edition posters, collectible figures, my expensive desktop computer, etc.

I don't have any sentimental things. I really just kind of left my past behind me. It just kind of bites me in the ass every time it comes up. So I try to avoid bringing it up.

But yea, so basically: dailies (including the stuff that goes in my bag), and that's pretty much it. Maybe some external drives if I can grab them in time. Everything important is on my laptop or in my backpack.