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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  3940 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: John Gruber: Thoughts and Observations on Today’s iPhone 5C and 5S Introduction

I'm definitely curious about the thumb recognition technology. My iPhone 5 is supplied by my company, and I have no choice but to have the passcode turned on. I hate it. I find it super annoying to have to type in a code to read a goddam text. The thumb tech seems awesome on the surface, as it solves that problem, but am I crazy to not want Apple to have my finger print on file? They say it's encrypted, but didn't we learn just the other day that encryptions are a minor obstacle to law enforcement?

Also, practically speaking, can you not let anyone borrow your phone now? It's pretty common to be driving or something, and the passenger has to look at a map. Can they not access your phone without your thumbprint? Seems like a pain in the ass when you think about it.