My title, not theirs. I still hate Emily Badger but this sort of sums up like four articles I've submitted in the past month.



Relevant post. Kb encouraged me to pitch those maps to the NYT or 538 but I wanted to go over them with more scrutiny and statistical rigour before I did that. Seems like Enos beat me to the punch!

    In the general election, voters were more likely to shift to Mr. Trump in the counties with the strongest growth in the Hispanic and nonwhite populations since 2000, according to research from a coming book by Ryan Enos, a Harvard political scientist. It appears in survey data, Mr. Enos argues, that this shift in 2016 was driven by whites who had previously voted Democratic — and who don’t appear to have responded in the same way to rising diversity before Mr. Trump’s campaign."

Good to know that I totally was onto something there. Maybe I can dive deeper...

posted 2649 days ago