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b_b  ·  4605 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Truth About Factory Farming and Beef Slaughterhouses - YouTube
I can't imagine living through a war like that. There is an amazing movie by Werner Herzog called Little Dieter Needs to Fly that chronicles the life a German born, American pilot who was shot down in Vietnam and then endured a harrowing escape from a VC prison camp (later, Herzog also made Rescue Dawn, which is a dramatization of just the prison break part). The main character (its a documentary, but I'll say character for lack of a better word), Dieter Dengler, was about 4 or 5 when WWII ended. In it, he recalls how in the final days of the war, and immediately after people were so destitute that they would go to extremes like boiling their wall paper, because the glue contained a lot of starch (Herzog himself was born in Germany during the war, so its a personal film to him, I think).

Sacrifice isn't something a lot of us truly know about. I admittedly don't, and I certainly hope that I don't ever have to endure anything like that. But, I think if you are forced to, and survive it, then it must make you believe that you are strong enough to handle anything. I wonder what the abject gluttony of this country looks like to someone who has endured a war, or a famine, or something similar. Is is viewed with awe? Disgust? Or maybe something of a combination?