I work for a bank! I work in their Compliance department, which is kind of interesting. It's an ebb-and-flow sort of job, either I'm busy, or I'm not.
I actually am starting a new job in less than 2 weeks. It will be the same line of work but I think I'm going to be a ton busier. I'm a little bit nervous, frankly, because it seems a bit more hardcore than my current job - the team will be smaller, but the portfolio will be around the same size. Moreover, it's not an established program, so there will be a lot of forging new ground and new connections, having to work with people who maybe don't want to work with me (because to them, I seem essentially the same as Audit - that's a good way to explain to a layman what I do).
I'm excited, and nervous. As for what I'd like to do with my life...well, my new job looks like it's going to keep me entertained, and that's really the most I could ask for out of a job. I think I'm going to like the people I work with. Sadly I'll just miss some of the people I do work with now, but all in all it's a good move for me.
In a perfect world maybe I would be a writer :)