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goobster  ·  688 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 1, 2022

Woke up this morning with a cough, thick head, and lethargy. I haven't been anywhere or done anything in a freakin' WEEK, but ... oh no! ... my body decides to catch something, and now I'm feelin' poopy.

I'll go upstairs and take a COVID test as soon as I care enough to get out of my chair.

Work is super slow right now. My work tends to be "seasonal" around how public agencies budget and spend the public's tax dollars. And I should be super busy into June ... but have literally NO work on my plate. So I'm making up some fun(ish) projects to do around my job, like graphics, and market research. I like doing that kind of stuff.


Aging is kinda fucked up in America, the land of zero discernible "health care" and lots of health insurance. Working with dementia (Alzheimers) and maneuvering various end-of-life issues and discussions is depressing because of the way our culture is all-in on "continue life at any cost", rather than people having choices about how they want to spend their final days.

Humans are oddly inhumane towards humans, yet compassionate and humane towards animals in truly beautiful ways. That's fucked up.


The wife and I discussed the very real possibility that I might be able to retire very soon. "What would you do with your time, if you didn't have to go to work?" is almost as fun a game to play as "what if I won the lottery?"

I'd definitely spend a couple days a week volunteering at my friend's blacksmith shop.

I'd get a personal trainer and meet with them three days a week for workouts focused on long-term health.

I'd probably re-open my marketing/writing consultancy and only take on clients I WANT to work with, regardless of their ability to pay.

And I'd probably spend a month solid on Fallout:76, then put the Xbox away forever and move on.

I'd read. I have a stack of books ready to dump themselves into my head and heart.

It's fun to think about, at least. Gives me something to do while work is slow...