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goobster  ·  1342 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 2, 2020

I'm in full-on avoidance mode. And I'm not sure why. Here's how I know; my list of projects:

  Taking guitar lessons (Fender Play)

Taking bass lessons (Scott's Bass Lessons, Fretboard Accelerator course)

Redesigning the roof of my workshop

... in SketchUp, which I am re-learning after a couple dormant years

Rehabilitating my front lawn, with a mattocks and 5 yards of topsoil

Building a retaining wall and patio in my back yard

Resto-modding a motorcycle in my workshop

Building plant stands for my wife's epic collection of potted plants

Planting/maintaining fruit and veggie plants, plus ornamental trees

Rewriting the first season of a TV series I was working on years ago

Writing two new screenplays

Working with my parents on major home renovation plans (their home)

Planning the gutting and renovation of the entire downstairs in my home

Working with a contractor on the design/building of our new back deck

Relocating the new washer and dryer in our laundry room

Building walls in our carport to create a safer all-season storage area

Collaborating with the fan clubs for the new MLR teams, to help them get set up and running

Created and managing mailing list for my neighborhood

Creating and managing a similar mailing list for my remote bandmates project

Recording music with my remote band project

Removing the old forced-air ducting in my house...

... so I can seal up those spaces and keep the heat in the rooms that need it

Getting back on a strict Keto diet to lose weight (and yard work is helping, too!)

Producing new electronic music in GarageBand

Looking for a new job because I'm not convinced my company is going to avoid layoffs much longer

Researching what I need to do with my long-term investments now the Fed has abdicated their base responsibilities to the market


Yeah, COVID.

Yeah, the world is on fire.

But ... maaaan ... I'm filling up my time to avoid something. No doubt about that.