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oyster  ·  1495 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: It’s Okay That You’re Not Okay

Everything here went full crazy in the matter of a week, in another week I’ll be driving home across the country. Trying to prep for a 3-4 day trip where I can’t really stop anywhere because who knows how long restaurants or hotels will stay open. I mean, I just got laid off from a restaurant in a hotel so I’m not optimistic. I know I’m capable of driving 12 hours a day, I’ve done it before in less comfy seats but fuck. That’s all I got, just Fuck.

My work is trying to be helpful and give housing where they can, a lot of people have lost their housing very quickly so they’re offering hotel rooms but that’s short term. They also aren’t kicking anybody out, but strongly recommending those who can leave do because they might be forced by parks eventually. I’m leaving so hopefully the people who really need it can stay. The whole thing has been surreal honestly, it’s like I’m trying to cling to normalcy while also planning a road trip and wondering if I should get jerry cans in case some gas stations start to close.

So happy I have a dog right now though.