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am_Unition  ·  1588 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Some Christmastime carillon carols (performed by yours truly)

It doesn't have to be awful! Surely there are decent methods of damping out whatever oscillation mode you've induced in the bell that don't pinch it into a random dissonant note. It's just not gonna be cheap to hire someone to engineer it, and it'd be similarly expensive to build. Still, I'm kinda surprised it's not a thing yet.

BRB, posting on why-combinator for investment solicitations. Narrator/schizophrenia: This sarcasm is particularly rich coming from the guy who spent a few hours yesterday, with fam in tow, at one of these places, which wouldn't exist without dat sweet startup oomph.

tagging kleinbl00 for audioskillz