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am_Unition  ·  2514 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Covfefe?

    Dude it's easy to filter.

Says us! Anyone haplessly browsing the site still has a chance of running amuck in our Trumpspam, komrad. <--- And then, in the case of am_Unition, needing to wade much too far back into a user's post history to deduce that no, perhaps they're not entirely an imbecile, they're just a sarcastic bag of garbage.

    "Today in Rabbits" might be a hell of an archive to browse ten years from now.

This. Hubski's the only (IMAGINABLE) place online that I can share an interactive diary with people I'd actually want to weigh in. And, the 'rabbit keeps delivering. Maybe young pieces of garbage/kids, someday, will have to tune me out as I broadcast the evolution of sillyseason to seriousseason to the whiterabbit from my implanted optical nerve.

speaking of fyoochur & 'rabbits & consolidation