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goobster  ·  2624 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Aaaaand the other shoe drops: Trump himself met with Kislyak

Lying to Congress is an actual crime. So is meeting with our "enemies" and making agreements and promises to them that you intend to act upon if elected to office. Both of these are well-defined, and he breached both of them, clearly.

He met with Kislyak in April. Now he told Congress he has "never spoken with the man" and the last conversation he "ever had with a Russian, was more than two years ago." Both of these are lies under oath, and therefore punishable.

Are they a big deal? Did he discuss more than the Playboy Centerfold?

It doesn't matter WHAT they talked about. Real politicians keep a diligent list of every single person they talk to, and every topic they cover, for specifically these reasons. To mislead or lie to Congress is a Federal offense.

And really? Benghazi? Investigated nine different times - five times by partisan Republican hit squads - and NONE of them ever found any credible wrongdoing or broken laws? Time to update your psycho right wing talking points, my friend.