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kleinbl00  ·  2823 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Confessions of a Sexual Skeptic

On the one hand, I recognize the value and necessity of open, free discussion of women's experience in a culture that sublimates the female persona.

On the other hand, women discussing sex without mentioning men's place in their autonomy is liberating while men discussing sex without mentioning women's place in their autonomy is misogynism.

To the best of my knowledge, I was the first Redditor to trip the troll filter in both r/mensrights and /r/twoxchromosomes. It saddens me that women being hateful are evolved but men being hateful are psychopaths. At the same time, I recognize that women being hateful rarely kill men while men being hateful are the leading cause of death and injury for women so in the end, I just end up sour.