I've kind of given up on even thinking about anything romantic and accepting that finding the kind of person I want isn't realistic. The kind of person I want? Someone who would rather listen to LUH than Radiohead, read Kundera as opposed to the Mindy Calling book, go to a park for sunset instead of staying in. The solitude is good and I feel more sure of myself and what I am doing, and feel as though this is the way things should be. Sharing is not a necessity, and if that means an ample amount of time to myself then so be it. Filling that "void", for lack of a better word (it's not really a void), doesn't matter if it's not what I'm looking for. The issue could lie in this manifesting in a lack of desire to continue building existing and new friendships. It wouldn't surprise me if I move in that direction.
kleinbl00 has me reading Kundera, speaking of the above, and I'm about halfway into it. For better or worse I see myself in Ludvik, there are a couple of parellels in my life to his, labor camps notwithstanding. Not sure what to make of that yet.