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It wasn't a conscious decision, but I slowly realised when I look back at the result of something I was worried about or afraid of, the results were (usually much!) milder that what your imagination tells you could happen. Once I fully realised that, anxiety just didn't have the same power - it becomes easier to manage. It doesn't magically disappear, it's just that the balance of control moves in your favour. That knowledge helps you increase control too in a positive feedback loop. if you choose to let it.

Sometimes the results are your worst expectations or worse than that. Still, even then when you reflect back on it, you can realise that you were also able to cope with those result as well. I think it's healthy to be able to reflect when things have gone badly in order to notice that you can survive and even flourish in those cases. Don't focus on the negativity, focus on your ability to overcome the bad situations.

I'm not talking about extreme cases here like phobias or disasters, but the anxiety you talk about falls into this category I think.

I read a great aphorism that sums it up.

    When you are stood on the precipice of the future, paralysed by fear... jump.

That's not an excuse to do stupid shit or things that are dangerous, it's just to encourage you to control your fear and not the other way round. To act in spite of your fear.