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tacocat  ·  3131 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Where can I volunteer that will make me feel good about myself?

A lot of time I can find that I do like many different people for varied reasons if I am forced to associate with them daily. My boss is so different from me that'd I'd never see a reason to interact with him if not for business but having been kinda forced to deal with him I think he's the greatest example of a Christian I've ever met despite our differences. I work in retail. Most of my experiences with people are superficial and annoying. Working in retail and being hostile towards small talk is bad.

I think if I found the right volunteer work I could connect with people who share my values and I could have a deeper understanding than "Well, I can overlook this other bullshit." All Hands sounds interesting but I'm hourly so I need something that I can do after hours.