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wasoxygen  ·  3414 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Democratic Tea Party

This was the sentence I found most egregious:

    In reality, in the US for example, racism against black people is frowned upon so hard, that it's really not a factor in why they're not successful.

Lots of awful things are frowned upon hard; that doesn't make them no longer a "factor" in causing harm.

Otherwise, I liked what you had to say about wealth, the virtuous cycle of saving, and questioning pat answers about "sitting on money."

b_b and I do share a habit of talking past each other and sometimes refusing to acknowledge when the other side makes good points. He's a commie, but he means well, and he rarely spouts absolute nonsense.

yellowoftops appears to have sympathy for my fascist (?) tendencies.