Bother Robert Summerlin is preaching to the choir in my case. Listen up and let him pull the veil from your eyes. I've never been able to focus on more than 30 seconds of a boring ass Foo Fighters song. Groany ass unoriginal white boy music. I can't understand some of the music you post Green. Pearl Jam is JUST FUCKING TERRIBLE. They can't hold a candle to the stuff you make yourself. The structures you use in your music have about 50 times more originality, your subject matter is way less indulgent and repetitive and I'd could listen to just about anybody more happily than what ever his names vocals (for real Brittney, Kati Perry, Yoko Ono, fucking anyone else please). Can they rip a rocking riff? Sure, so can many others and in a way that is intensely more alive. They are zombies for a certain rock feeling that was bequeathed by our forefathers. Kids want that classic rockin feeling but they don't want to listen to their parents shit so they glommed onto this dead ass simulacrum of real original rock and roll to try and match that feeling while being "original" (see manipulated). Foo Fighters are just trying to ride the same Pearl Jam money train. Makes me sad to see guys like Mike Watt climb up on that pony and stop playing anything worth listening to again. The minute he started talking about Buddy Guy it make me think of a vid I saw of him last week, Buddy is fucking alive in this shit.
Also made me think of Neil Young "Ohio". I'm not a big Neil Young fan, can't say Ohio is big up on my list of songs I want to hear but just chanced to hear and pick it apart the other day. Not a song I especially give a shit about but it's a great song, lyrically, structurally and giving that classic rock feeling. Song means something more than the White guy experience and kicks butt. Mostly it's not a murky pile of self indulgent, groany, unoriginal crap. If Foo Fighters never wrote a song that could hold Ohio's jock strap I don't know about it.