Does it? I don't entirely agree. Are there "big players" here? I guess, but only by the virtue that they post a lot, and share a lot, and comment a lot. It's not like I sit around with baited breath waiting for the next post by eightbitsamurai (indeed, I've never read Hubskina. Sorry dude, it's just not my bag), or lil, or TNG, or anyone else. When they do comment, sometimes I like what they have to say, or find it valuable, other times I'm completely disinterested.
I see a lot of TNG on my feed. This is for a few reasons:
1.) He's one of the few people I follow.
2.) He posts to #tags I find interesting
3.) He posts A LOT. Occasionally I think it's his job, and the other job he has is just a front where he launders those sweet hubwheels into cold, hard, cash.
I jest, of course, with the last one, but perhaps I shouldn't considering the topic at hand, and how it seems like everything gets painted as some sort of internet popularity contest. Most of the people who are "power users" here are people who interact with everyone, a lot of the time. If you did that, then you too, if you chose, could what passes for a "power user" on this website. You'll get double what you're paid now, and people will view your comments as gifts from an omnipotent being.
Frankly, the first perk is more likely than the second.
Allow me to make a reccomendation to you, my Lojbanic friend (I still wish I had any kind of hand with languages, it would be cool to have conversations in lojban, but alas I've got other focuses in my life). If you don't do it already, instead following people, follow #tags. You're exponentially more likely to find the content that you like, find less of the "clique" (which I've never seen to exist. perhaps i'm part of the "clique"? I've no idea), and find interactions with other people which you will find valuable.
And that is the crux of the matter - Finding conversations with other people that you find valuable. I've had some great conversations with camarillobrillo, and BLOB_CASTLE, and nowaypablo (we're both classical musicians), and many others. Some people with bigger "names" than other people, but all fine people. If I want to know about motorcycles, I ask KB, if I want to know about how cities are built, I ask NewlyLostAgain. If I want to know about constructed languages, I would probably ask you.
On the rare occasions you step up to the plate, your opinion is on the same playing field as anyone else to me. KB doesn't get a pass on facts any more than you do, nor does TNG or any other "power user".