It keeps cutting out on me. Something about being unable to access the stream. Anyway, I made it half-way through. My impressions so far are: - It seems like the guys really like each other. - The podcast is comedy in the same way that talk radio sometimes labels itself as comedy - It's really unfocused and sprawling, which is great for conversations among friends - I like it when the topic is actually addressed, but the dudes are having too much fun with each other to address it for more than several seconds before going off on long-ass tangents about stuff that didn't happen to potential listeners outside of their social circle. - I think if they dropped the "comedy" angle and instead focused on their topic, it would be much more interesting for the listener. If they really are funny guys, that will come through. For me, as it is now, it's not coming through. I think that if they let the topic breathe, the jokes that they did make or witticisms or whatever, would stand out a lot more instead of getting lost in the tangle of voices that are currently competing for attention.