But it doesn’t matter who you are. Something as seemingly minor as an errant or offensive tweet can ruin you. And once it ruins you, it keeps ruining you. The Internet is like a high school cafeteria. Except this cafeteria has billions of students. Meme Girls are the new Mean Girls.

    That’s why I’d never write this post.


I personally have quite a few online names, I swap between them every time I get to a drastically new or more strange area of the internet.

The whole beauty of the internet was the fact that it is/was entirely based around text and usernames. Nobody was tracking you and trying to attach things to your real life, nobody knew who you were, and nobody cared.

Now we have facebook, people worried about criminals more than privacy, and such. The internet is coming closer and closer to a hyped up phone call medium than actually being the internet.

When I want to speak to family, to friends, and with people in my life, I will go and speak to them either on the phone or in person. I do not plan, nor do I understand the desire to have things like facebook where you talk to such a large audiance that you know personally. We get scared when talking to a crowd for damned good reason. Facebook hides that.

posted 3422 days ago