Why write anything? There's no reason to anymore. Everyone and their grandmother has some form of camera. Record, upload, and everyone can see what you have to say. There are those of us, however, that find the camera to be unsatisfying. Why, you may ask. If we have the means to speak to a wide, diverse audience, how could you dislike it? When you look at a screen, you can see who is doing the talking. There is nothing left to imagination. That can be a problem for people like me. I want you to see me, not through a lens, but through these words. Envision a small room. The walls are painted a bleached yellow color. They aren't important. That's the point of bleached yellow. You don't see it. What you do see is a desk. It's small, but it seems to be serving its purpose well enough. Who is seated at that desk? He's a male, maybe in his late twenties. You feel energy flowing behind his brown eyes. Curiosity. Although he is still, you feel him moving, never losing focus for a minute. He speaks. There is a foreign accent, but it isn't distracting. You never feel like you have to wade through it to get the words coming from his mouth. Instead you compare it to an acoustic guitar. It has a unique sound, but nothing that stands out and should be payed too much attention to. Instead you listen to the notes it plays.

You have an image in your head, now. This is how I want you to think of me. Did you notice the key wording there? This is how I want you to think of me. It isn't who I am. Now for the kicker. I've been lying to you. I find videos to be just as good as writing when it comes to getting the message across. But I wanted you to believe I was better than our age of technology. Our age of never missing a beat. The truth is, I am beneath it. I am afraid. Instead of the tall, dark, and handsome figure I just put before you, looking upon me would yield an image of a trembling, frightened boy, trying to be heard over the thousands of voices speaking at once. And you would see that he's failing.

Some write to tell a story. Some write to tell their side. Some write to tell the facts. I write to hide. If you're into this introspective, sending-a-message style of writing, let me know. I would be happy to keep you supplied with something to think about. You can choose how to take this piece. An application to participate in conversation on Hubski. A declaration that I am a voice to be listened to. A humble offering to the grizzled veterans who want to defend this wonderful home from the squeals and screeches infecting the rest of the internet. However you choose to view this, I give you my salutations and my reguards. I hope you enjoyed.

posted 3597 days ago