Warning: completely irrelevant comment ahead.

I failed making a post-list of your inflammatory comments. But I think the following list is much better (not to mention easier to make). I got curious as to what gets you excited enough to use the word "yo." Fuckin' hysterical, yo. :P

Salad, yo! roflcopter, yo. You need to calibrate, yo. Straight up, yo. It's all good, yo. Fuckin' X-files is the shit, yo. You're gonna be fine, yo. Because that shit's like four years old, yo. quantum superposition is fuckin' CRAZY SHIT, yo. It hit ninety today, yo. cue that shit up, yo, Or your browser be FUKT YO Humbug all you want, yo. Boom. Muthatfuckin' BOOMS, yo. And I fought that tide, yo. Goth claimed her in 1978, yo. Fuckin' string machines and shit, yo. It's been two hours, yo, and that shit be broken DOWN! Shit's rugged, yo. That shit's magic, yo, Ain't nobody got time for that, yo. because lutefisk is disgusting, yo That shit ain't vintage, yo, it's still clogging up my inbox! Aeron chairs, yo. "your battery is fucked, yo, hurry up and fix it."

on post: I just planted my first vegetable garden, anyone else grow their own food?
by insomniasexx 3870 days ago   ·   link  ·    ·  x 3