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comment by kleinbl00

In my opinion, your position is entirely rational and is probably the best reflection of the conditions on the ground. That said, parents have, for generations, given kids the impression that if they don't do everything exactly right they will be thrown into the Pit of Despair and it's just not true.

In part, it's parental nervousness - you don't want your kids to limit their own options. In part, it's a reflection of the diminished insight and increased aggression of adolescents (not their fault - there really is one last organic re-jiggering of the synapses during adolescence that explains a lot of teen behavior). In any event, yeah it's good not to limit your options. At the same time, they're options, not The FateHammer.

Flagamuffin is right - fear debt. However, debt often means opportunity. A balance can be struck.

You're gonna be fine, yo.