Well my job has been weird recently. Of course the questioning of funding come the new fiscal year. But beyond that... We've got a large facility that may need evacuating soon. And my supervisors have been very non-communicative with information, sharing very little with me. In addition, they're putting in new requirements for the coalition for right now as we work through the issues, but are having me lie to the coalition so it looks like we're just magically requesting some new things that we haven't before and it's all just suuuuper shady. It's also so directly in opposition to the ideals of emergency management, things like open, honest, and transparent communication. I can't wait to find a new job.

My partner is moving ahead with the PhD application process but may not be applying to one program she wanted to as the program doesn't guarantee funding. It's a shame, but that's where we are these days. Still, I think she's got a great chance of getting in and I'm so excited for her.

on post: Pubski: November 13th, 2024
by c_hawkthorne 134 days ago   ยท   link