this be some Whole Earth Catalog bullshit

"The currency" is always whatever allows you to live in peace. In a tribe it's friendship and family ties. In larger groups it's whatever the protectors want. Abstracted, "currency" is "whatever taxes are collected in." Taxes, after all, are what keeps the barbarians out, what ensures the seas are free of pirates. Sure, country-to-country you call them tariffs or whatever but fundamentally, the guys with the guns enforce a monopoly on violence in exchange for allowing the cash me outside girl to buy a six million dollar house in Florida.

Now - Bhad Bhabie can argue that she trades in attention. The IRS would beg to differ and as they're the ones with the ability to summon punishment for crime, their opinion is the only one that matters. Gary Vaynerchuk can say he "daytrades attention" but what he monetizes is advertising dollars. Nothing new about that, advertising dates back to Pompei or before. Their economy ran on taxes, too. Fealty to the state you occupy is a prerequisite for trade and the state really and truly gives no fux who you are.

How do I buy a sandwich?

404 sandwich not found

But I only want a sandwich

So... the internet is going to knit together a community of sandwich aficionados and we will have a venn diagram of interests that entitles me to a sandwich? I am not a fan of Bitcoin as a currency but goddamn the first thing anyone ever bought with it was pizza.

this shit again

No one thought that. No one. Serfs mostly lived communally and the royalty protected them from other royalty in exchange for taxes. Then the non-serfs got greedy and legislated the serfs away and those MFers are the ones who invented Victorian slumhouses. they also, I might add, paid their taxes.

Still can't buy me a sandwich.

on post: The currency of the New Economy won't be money, but attention
by kleinbl00 831 days ago   ·   link