Lol thanks I'm not 100% sure it's the plan just yet need to do more research. After that year is up I still need my job to sponsor me and while it streamlines the process for a job it still makes it difficult. Plus there's the fact that that allows them to pay me less which I haven't decided if I'm okay with lol. But being on location and with no restrictions of work is a huge benefit. Being able to have a local address and phone number help immensely as does being able to check the box "yes I have a legal right to work and live in the country the job is located in". Research shows a lot of jobs don't understand or even know about it though especially the continuation of sponsorship on their end. Plus it looks like I won't get healthcare until after I find a job which is also a problem. Lots to consider.

on post: Pubski: June 29, 2022
by c_hawkthorne 975 days ago   ·   link