If you'd like to see Trump using an interview to strong-arm Apple into a quid pro quo, in which Apple should now provide Trump's executive branch something to do with encryption (hopefully everything), because Trump gave Apple tariff exemptions:
Imagine a world in which Trump's law enforcement polices the streets packin' not only heat, but phone scanners with algorithms that go through your device's hard drive and sift out any "incriminating" information within a couple of minutes, while you're detained.
The rest of the interview after that continues with... "I'm #1 on Facebook!".
Trump then tries to strong-arm Musk into building a new factory in the U.S.
According to Trump, as soon as he gets re-elected, Medicare (and who knows what other entitlements) are donezo, but we'll have economic growth forever, because ipse dixit.
And for the outtro, another familiar run through favorable African American employment statistics.
... This is fucking surreal. I'm scared, guys. I don't understand why anyone gives him interviews anymore. He uses interviews to propagandize and even conduct shadow economic policy, in which he extorts the American companies to which he gave a competitive advantage, in a situation that he alone was responsible for creating in the first place.