like I am

I mean really this is kind of a running joke to poke around with the fun shit associated with relativity and its discontents. I can give you a real one to show you how noped out I am:

Presume a motor of unlimited, massless fuel such as the archetypal Bussard ramjet. Presume a steady acceleration of 1g to midpoint, at which point you will switch to 1g of steady deceleration. Presume all special relativity holds. How much experienced time will have elapsed for non-passengers to the goal, Alpha Centauri? How much experienced time will have elapsed for passengers?

I'm pretty sure that's a barely quadratic problem yet my consultant on that script said "c'mon you have an engineering degree, I'm not helping you any more until you run the calcs" and I was all "yeah but I'm not writing screenplays because I enjoy story problems."

on post: Why the world is waiting for Betelgeuse to go supernova
by kleinbl00 1871 days ago   ·   link