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hubskier for: 4148 days

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cheaba  ·  4144 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Experiment: What's YOUR most controversial opinion, Hubski?

That is certainly the most interesting controversial opinions I've ever heard. I wouldn't dare share that with anyone in reality. Its basically a complete 180 of the way everyone thinks.

Thanks. I've never used a site like Twitter or Facebook before, so the use of # is a strange concept for me. This will take some time to get used to. (For a 20 year old, I'm strangely very socially inept lol.)

Is there anyway to search by hash tags? I want to be able to just search "#politics", or "#technology" for example and get anything submitted with that hash tag. I tried using the search bar that is located under "submit a post", but that doesn't really return any relevant results.