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Oh you've been able to do it more often? Neat! I didn't really fly anywhere sadly, I was more like hovering/floating above the ground, then went up almost as high as my house until I got too excited and woke up....
The last (and first time) I flew was about a week ago in my first lucid dream ever! Sadly, it was a very short ride and I woke from excitement :( I'd love to do it again!
Oh yes, there are quite a lot of useful insights to be found in his articles! I've done a lot of introspection/"self-improvement" during the past year or so, thanks to him. Even though I don't always agree with him, he has changed my life for the better! If only it was easy indeed..
Hmm, I am glad that I don't live in the U.S.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Think I'll watch it again tonight.
Byousoku 5 Centimeter is nothing short of a masterpiece. The mood it sets, the raw, painful emotions and of course the amazing graphics... It really doesn't deserve being watched in anything less than HD. It's quite refreshing to see it with a completely different music style, though I wish the AMV had some moment of climax to really get you involved emotionally.
I'm using Ubuntu day in, day out since 2010. Haven't looked back since. The #1 complaint I keep hearing from people not wanting to switch to Ubuntu is "can't run my games/this particular piece of software on it, so no thanks". Once this isn't in the way of people, I'm convinced many will give it a try and hopefully make it their main machine. My dad is also happily using Ubuntu! His first remark was "It's definitely faster than Windows!". He doesn't do more than simple browsing though, but still. He's never complained about it. My plan is to convert some of my techno-illiterate cousins soon, just so I don't need to fix their Windows all the time. I'm no window cleaner. Just need to get them to agree to dual-booting for their games...
Have you considered running Photoshop from a virtual machine on Ubuntu? I do that with Powerpoint when I need it at uni. Photoshop Portable runs under wine, be it with a few minor bugs here and there. I left Windows for good 2 years ago, when I was introduced to Ubuntu at uni. Now using Windows just frustrates me to no end. Unless it's Windows XP. Never liked Vista or 7... let's not mention 8. I have no regrets!
A classic. Makes me happy every time. Let It Be
Oh my, she's grown. Reach Out
It's impossible not to get happy from this! Thanks.
These are awesome, thanks for sharing them!
Love that quote! It's on my "favourite quotes" list.
I don't see the point in watching/reading mainstream news. Most of what they report does not concern me in any way. Not to mention that most is negative stuff anyway. There have always been deaths, murders, rapes, accidents, disasters, conflicts,... throughout time, and I don't see how my life would get better by knowing about all of them. I rather block this stuff out than to let it pour negativity onto me. The important things that I should be paying attention to will make their way to me somehow anyway. I much rather prefer reading news online on sites that I choose, so I get (a heck of lot more positive) news about what I actually want to hear about. E.g. Ars Technica.
Yeah the part where those lines play are my favourite part of the song! Starting from "You realize that life goes fast".
Thanks! Didn't know only one video could be embedded. I thought putting the url in the URL field would make the post link to it. Silly of me.
Nice one! This is the line that hit me: Do you realize, that everyone you know someday will die. It indeed forces you to think about life, and death.
I've checked it earlier but I don't see anything about embedding videos, or am I missing something extremely obvious?
Oh... it doesn't embed like that? >.< How do I do it?
Ohh, thanks a bunch for sharing. This was very useful.
Oh. I guess no one's problem is a lack of time or money. They are excuses for everyone...
Ahh yes, naive is the word. So you've read quite a bit of material already! Yeah discussions are very valuable, as I'm currently discovering. For me, many of Steve's articles evoke emotional responses. Next time I will pay attention to those emotions more closely, in stead of sucking in his every word like a sponge. My emotional push buttons from that list were 3, 9 and 10. No problem! I'm enjoying the discussion as well. And becoming slightly less naive in the process!