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comment by sounds_sound
sounds_sound  ·  4554 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Futuristic Concept Laptops
I always like these. Industrial designers have all the fun don't they? Just saw this video from Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/office/vision/

kleinbl00  ·  4554 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I always hate them.

I dated an industrial designer for about a year. Another friend taught industrial design for two years before becoming a principal at a firm that does most of Coleman's stuff (among others). I know a few grads from the Trans program at ACCD. And holy fuck. Shit like this makes me want to hurt people.

All you have to do is ignore what feeble amount of ergonomics you've managed to pick up by living your life, scan Popular Mechanics or Wired for buzzwords, fire up CS5 and cobble something together like a water-soaking fuel-cell powered "green" laptop, FFS. The amazing thing is that every single one of these monstrosities was created on one of Ive's Children, so they have only to see the trees in the forest to understand that form fucking follows function:


But they're much more interested in "hubless rims":


(never mind the fact that the frickin' idea has been around since '89 and has never fucking worked)

There is not a prototype among these that wouldn't give you carpal-tunnel-filled rage within two hours of trying them out. Which isn't a worry, because the overwhelming majority of them are technically impossible.

At least when these pikers had to draw the fucking things with Pantone markers, they had a little style. A little thought went into them. That PDA? That's not even worthy of PhotoshopDisasters.

lessismore  ·  4554 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Tell us how you really feel. :)