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comment by cliffelam
cliffelam  ·  4148 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What dare or prank have you participated in that wasn't a good idea?

Oh, wait, I wasn't there but....

Back in the day (1983?) at Nortel I went to a bachelor party for a guy in our group the night before the wedding. At about 11pm I was done and took a cab home - they were headed out to an all night club.

11am ceremony, ya'll.

The next day, we show up at 10:40 or so and are met by a groomsman saying that the ceremony had to be moved but the reception is going to be on time and to just go there and hang out until the bride shows.

Note: not the couple, the bride. Hmmmm.

So I go hang out with my date, all is confusion, they let us in around noon, the bar is open, we're having a few adult beverages and waiting and waiting and waiting. Around 2pm they bring out the food, we fall on it like zombies in a schoolbus. (Sorry)

Around 4pm the father of the bride comes out and tells us the ceremony is complete but the groom is "unable to make it."

I figured he was passing out drunk and they just did the necessary offline and that was that.

Nope, later I find out that his buddies took him to the airport and put him on an 6am flight to DFW. At around 8:30 am the nice flight attendants in DFW put him on a flight to ... Alaska. So he got married "over the radio" from the cockpit.

But wait. At some point his "friends" took all his clothes off and painted his entire body from wrist/neck in ... blue with fountain pen ink.

So on their honeymoon to the Cayman islands, well, I'm sure the pix were interesting.

He actually changed jobs within a few weeks after basically not talking to anyone in the team after getting back.

I was so glad not to be part of that.