This is actually jQuery, I think, not Javascript, but I could be wrong.(Semi-hard to differentiate them, considering I've never used jQuery.)
But, I'd suggest that you head over to any of these links:
CodeAcademy - Do the JavaScript, Web Developement, and jQuery courses they have. I also suggest Python for backend stuff, but that's just me.
CSSDeck - This is a wonderful place to see tutorials on things. They even have a few courses(though not yet complete) that I've found to be OK.
Udacity WebDev course - A Reddit co-founder teaches this. Very good.
A bit of other advice: /r/Learnprogramming and the subsequent programming language subreddits are superb resources, no matter your opinion of Reddit. They're all filled with kind, knowledgeable people, who are more than willing to give a newbie some help.
Good luck! I've got a semi-decent repository of links for stuff like this, so just reply back if you need anymore.