Exactly. Not that bad, but not spectacular at all. That sort of movies are directed to please a big variety of viewers (especially after a somewhat boring year in the movie industry). It's very "templated" because of those restrictions you have got to have in order to please and relate to everyone. The movie has a good plot, great action scenes, horrible dialogues (shitty one-liners made my head hurt), so all-in-all if I would rate that movie, I'd give it a 6 because 7 is the ideal "templated" movie. If it wouldn't be so ordinary-boring as any other simple movie, if it would have some "thing" in it, that special little something that makes you get up and say "This movie is an art!" then it would be considered as a proper film, but for me "Avengers" was just a "bubble-gum for my eyes". A good one, but not the movie as an art.
That's why I also think it's very overrated.