Ok here goes.
I think this "in historical times there was no concept of nationality" is bullcrap. How do you explain Spartan military culture if they would not be fighting for their "nation"? How do you explain that free men of Athens volunteered to row those triremes into battle?
Then I think that at least some of the saber toothed cats would have hunted their mouths closed, and just stabbed with those long protruding teeth.
I think people who are trying to convert me to atheism are even more annoying that people who try to convert me to some religion. " You go to hell, but otherwise you're OK" doesn't feel very bad. "You are stupid and unscientific if you don't believe like I do" is like umm... Ok, let's not be friends.
I'm not a fan of earth-hour, slut-walk or "veganism as a way to be ecological". It's all just publicity stunts to make people feel better. But nothing really gets done.
I hate how people use the word "empowering" as an argument. Like this one lady who is selling her virginity claims it's somehow empowering. Well I bet Nazis found discriminating Jews was empowering. Just get over it, either you do something or you don't, regardless how empowered you feel.
I don't think rape is as bad thing in itself as feminists wold lead us to believe. No I don't think it should not happen to anyone. Yes it's OK to be depressed if you're rape victim. But I think our society is exaggerating the whole thing, and makes it very much harder for those who have been raped. The whole thing is quite hard to grasp as rape is never a lone crime. It's always accompanied with something and yet people don't seem to understand that it's not this one "thing". Legislation of my country says it's rape, if a girlfriend and a boyfriend are having sex and the girl notices her favorite TV show beginnig and says stop and the boy makes a single more thrust. It's a spectrum of crimes, we have judges to decide about every individual case exactly because it's a spectrum of crimes.
I think that we should pay attention to things we treat as taboos. There are things we're you feel have to start your sentence "I agree with you on X but...". There should not be.
And I don't like domestic cats very much.