UCLan (University of Central Lancashire), in Preston, UK. I'm halfway through my degree, Broadcast Journalism. Absolutely fantastic university. Lecturers are smart and the general population are mostly friendly and helpful. City is a bit quiet at times but a thousand time more lively than where I'm originally from.
We don't have fraternities or sororities (not a big thing at all in the UK as far as I know and have experienced).
We have a large sports department, lot's of societies for sports; the normal ones like rugby, football (soccer), American football, hockey etc, as well as some odd ones like Snow Sports (we have no snow here at all!) and skating for example.
I'm not too sure how our team does compared to the rest of the country (tried to find statistics but apparently they don't have them up), but I know they travel all around the North West doing competitions, and playing leagues.
In terms of the play, I think it's more Rugby orientated than people in the US playing American Football, especially because many of the players are also rugby players.
Also, they're not as beefy and buff as the college players in the US. Our British American Footballers are either fat and tall or athletic. Not really muscled up, although there are a few exceptions.
No problem! I wouldn't say it's popular per se. If stuff like Football (as in soccer) is in the "A Class" in terms of popularity in the university, American Football would probably be in the "B Class", alongside Rugby, Cricket etc.
That said, there are a lot more American Football players at the university than soccer players, this is because it is a different experience they can barely get anywhere apart from uni, whereas most people play football with their mates round here.
It's a case of experience. My university us very "experience" based, and like to provide students with new experiences whenever possible. Seeing as Rugby is played regularly any who, and it taught in places such as secondary school (or high school), it's not really a "new experience" per se. American Football is something Uni students here can't really do anywhere else and hence is played by many for the experience.