Simply put: As time has gone on I've found the Oscars to be descending into a horribly unfair and biased ceremony that overlooks talent in favor of nominating the films that will draw ratings in.
What bothers me the most is that I have no idea how anybody could go about fixing it. The first thought that pops into mind is 'Why not democratize it, and use the internet as a voting platform?' Simple enough, but give 4chan an hour and your Best Picture category would be filled with nonsense.
See, I absolutely adore movies and I would love if those who deserved the awards actually received them. But do I have to just sit here and take in the useless dribble, or is there something that can be done to fix the issues at hand?
Personally, I vote that we create a Hubski Film Awards thread or something. Just so we can fee some kind of validation as true film fans.
I've never really payed attention to the oscars other than a reference list for when I want to watch movies I haven't seen before. I have other lists that normally work better for finding what I like or think are fantastic movies.
Any democratic process seems to devolve into a popularity contest, whether public or in a select group. Maybe a large rotating panel of established actors/directors/critics/etc could provide better fair assessments of movies' "award winning" qualities.
It's been a while since I've personally paid any attention to the Oscars, the furthest I can remember of being mad at it was when Chicago (2002) won best picture, I don't really remember which movies at the time I thought deserved the award instead, but I do remember thinking "Bah, the Americans need a pick-me-up movie for the country's morale, so this wins.". Not to say it was a bad movie, just not "best movie" material, but I digress.
Democratizing the Oscar's is a decent idea, but I don't fear 4chan as one can do polls well enough to prevent them from tempering with it (much). I do fear, is that if we do that, the only award winners will somewhat related to the latest blockbuster that picked up major money. Imagine a world where the best movies nominee's are Batman, The Avengers and "Michel Bay blows shit up" and all other categories are somewhat related to those movies mostly.
That said, Hubski Film Awards might be fun :)