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comment by g5w
g5w  ·  1275 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 14, 2021

We finally gave up on our old (gas) dryer, it was too expensive to move the gas lines and I'm not comfortable doing that myself. I did try but couldn't get the nuts to loosen without flexing the line. The dryer works fine, I replaced the belt a couple of times and the element once. It was purchased in 1986 according to the sticker on the back.

We remodelled our kitchen in 2008 and bought a beautiful set of appliances from Sears. The dish washer is having issues and I have had to repair the feed hose twice for leaks. Our refrigerator we bought new for $1600 is no longer made and the new compressor that it needs is $1000 without labor. We got a great deal on it, separate freezer / fridge setup like a commercial kitchen. Then we designed the kitchen around it. To get a new matching set is going to cost like $3000. It'll be cheaper to get a normal fridge and rework the cabinets.