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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2891 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: You Are Still Crying Wolf

The media went all in on a Clinton Presidency, to the point they became a filter bubble. And I know, I know, there goes francopoli shitting on the media again. But those of us that live out in Redneckistan and don't live in the booming areas of the coasts saw this coming when Sanders was railroaded. We all felt that he was shafted, Wikileaks proved it and provided the evidence. Now Trump gets to call the shots and they are all scrambling; look at the reaction to him 'sneaking' off to go eat a dinner without the media in tow.

Time Warner, parent of CNN, was the 7th largest PAC giving cash to Clinton. GE was in the top 15, probably more for her war-hawkish stances over the years but still. There are still retards in town that are writing blogs and letters calling all the Sanders people "misogynists" and "women haters" and saying stuff like "You BernieBros gave us Trump, assholes." There have been a few car vandalism charges against people damaging cars with Bernie bumper stickers as well.

artis  ·  2890 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    But those of us that live out in Redneckistan and don't live in the booming areas of the coasts saw this coming when Sanders was railroaded.

I don't think this will garner me any love, but I have to try anyway. Check myth one.

user-inactivated  ·  2890 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I don't think this will garner me any love

Reality often sucks. Dealing with the suck in a constructive way makes us better people.

I know of at least two people who voted Johnson due to the Wikileaks emails that showed the DNC working to make it harder on Sanders. ABC News Story on the leaks Anecdotal evidence, sure. I wonder how many more did not vote Hillary and sat it out. And yea I am a bitter Sanders supporter. We could have grabbed the Senate at least, IMO, or at least in my hopes. Now we have to hope like hell that 2017 begins the push back and we can take a few of the state houses.

tehstone  ·  2890 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think the real shame from the DNC was spending so much money trying to push Clinton through rather than spending it down ballot.