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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2767 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 4chan is running out of money—and Martin Shkreli wants to help out

God no. NO NO NO. I like the Chan boards. I nipples did get a tiny bit erect when Notch started trolling about buying the site.

user-inactivated  ·  2766 days ago  ·  link  ·  

How many chans are there now? I don't think the Internet's id will go homeless.

user-inactivated  ·  2766 days ago  ·  link  ·  

When it came out that moot was passing data to the FBI and creating honeypots, most of the netsec people I know moved to infinitechan. /v/ is a constant shitshow, in the way that makes me understand why people watch reality TV.

The problem with splintering the chan boards is that we, those of us who like using the internet, don't want chan culture to jump out of its containment and crap all over everything else online. The advantage of having 1-2 chan style boards is that the people who enjoy that style of online interaction will STAY there as that is where the critical mass is.

I'd rather have the internet's ID, as you so eloquently put it, contained. The tough part is that these people are the 1%'ers of internet users who understand security, adblocking, etc. Great if you want conversations and shitposting, not so great if you want to run an ad-supported media site.

There are currently three main chan boards, and in order of size (roughly) they are:

2chan is the Japanese originator, and I don't speak or read Japanese so I don't go there.

4Chan is basically high school edgelords, reddit's /r/fatpeoplehate monsters, and Something Awful clowns. Due to the massive holdout of the Goons, 4Chan IMO still has the reach and power it once did to be the first with memes, image macros, Internet Culture, etc.

InfiniteChan (or 8Chan) is basically the gamergate people, the netsec folks who noped out of moot's bullshit, the animie weebs who got booted off when moot was dating a gawker reporter, the lefty-leaning people (like me) who got KKK'ed off 4Chan's /pol/ boards, and the "alt-right" reddit people who got sick of reddit.

The two English chan boards each have a charm and culture that is interesting once you get off the scab of distaste and intentionally offensive material used to keep out the "normies" as they call everyone else on the internet. You parents are not going to go on a chan board, after all. Just make sure to use noscript, adblocker etc because every once in a while someone will dump a java bomb in a thread for the lol's.